The READ_ME.txt file is automatically created by the "eiffeltest" command of Liberty Eiffel. (Liberty Eiffel is The GNU Eiffel Compiler, Eiffel tools and libraries.) This "eiffeltest" directory is used by the "eiffeltest" command to store data or informations about your Eiffel test directory. Inside the "eiffeltest" directory, the "LOCK" file, when it exists, indicates that some other "eiffeltest" process is still running. Actually, if you are sure that there is no other "eiffeltest" in progress, just remove this "LOCK" file. Check the content of the "LOCK" file to know more about the other "eiffeltest" in progress. Ideally, in some "eiffeltest" directory, the "log.ref" file should be always identical with the "" file. The "log.ref" file is the reference log file (i.e. the manually checked/created one). The "" file is the latest automatically-generated log file. Please, note that when the "LOCK" file exists, the "" file is still under construction. File "excluded.lst" must be manually created in order to exclude some action from the "" / "log.ref" file. This is useful when, for example, it takes too much time to run all tests of some directory or, for example, when one does not want to compile some Eiffel test code with all compilations modes. Each line of the "excluded.lst" file is a new entry which can exclude zero, one, or many actions from the log file. The easiest way to exclude one action from the log file is to copy the line of the action you want to avoid in the "excluded.lst". Just update your "excluded.lst" file and re-run again "eiffeltest" and the corresponding action won't be executed. Actually, as soon as an entry of "excluded.lst" is the prefix of an action, this action is excluded. Then one may exclude many actions with a single entry in file "excluded.lst" file. As an example, the line "se c -all_check" added in the "excluded.lst" file would avoid all compilations with the -all_check mode. Take the time to read the content of the generated "" file carefully and you'll learn a lot. See also the LibertyEiffel/test_suite directory for examples.