Point of view
All features
Pseudo periodic job. The timing is not exact : the time between two executions may be longer than the given period depending on the time needed to execute ready tasks. There is no try to recover the time lost each time.
Direct parents
Inherit list: PERIODIC_JOB
Class invariant
Creation features
set_work (t: FUNCTION[TUPLE, BOOLEAN], tr: PROCEDURE[TUPLE], prio: INTEGER_32, seconds: REAL_64)
effective procedure
t has to return True while continue
require ensure
writable attribute
done returns True when the job is finished.
Then the job may be restart(ed) if it needs to run again.
effective procedure
Continue to do the job.
The work to do has to be small work and non blocking, it will continue on next call.
  • not done
effective procedure
Configure the job like in its initial state.
Example: when some window dialog appears a second time, all jobs from this window are restarted.
  • done
  • not done
writable attribute
task_restart: PROCEDURE[TUPLE]
writable attribute
period: REAL_64
writable attribute
unit is seconds
writable attribute
prepare (events: EVENTS_SET)
effective procedure
Use events to describe condition that make this job ready to continue.
events describe the conditions to be satisfied before running this job for one more step.
  • events /= Void
  • not events.queryable
  • not done
is_ready (events: EVENTS_SET): BOOLEAN
effective function
Check if this job is ready to continue his work.
events describe the events which occurred.
  • events /= Void
  • events.queryable
  • not done
priority: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
never change a job's priority after inserting it in loop_item.
Priority should only be set at creation time.
infix "<" (other: JOB): BOOLEAN
effective function
Maximum_character_code: INTEGER_16
Largest supported code for CHARACTER values.
  • meaningful: Result >= 127
Maximum_integer_8: INTEGER_8
is 127
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER_8.
Maximum_integer_16: INTEGER_16
is 32767
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER_16.
Maximum_integer: INTEGER_32
is 2147483647
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Maximum_integer_32: INTEGER_32
is 2147483647
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Maximum_integer_64: INTEGER_64
is 9223372036854775807
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER_64.
Maximum_real_32: REAL_32
is {REAL_32 3.4028234663852885981170418348451692544e+38}
constant attribute
Largest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL_32.
Maximum_real: REAL_64
Largest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: 1.79769313486231570....e+308
Maximum_real_64: REAL_64
Largest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: 1.79769313486231570....e+308
Maximum_real_80: REAL_EXTENDED
Largest supported value of type REAL_80.
Minimum_character_code: INTEGER_16
Smallest supported code for CHARACTER values.
  • meaningful: Result <= 0
Minimum_integer_8: INTEGER_8
is -128
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER_8.
Minimum_integer_16: INTEGER_16
is -32768
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER_16.
Minimum_integer: INTEGER_32
is -2147483648
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Minimum_integer_32: INTEGER_32
is -2147483648
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Minimum_integer_64: INTEGER_64
is -9223372036854775808
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER_64.
Minimum_real_32: REAL_32
is {REAL_32 -3.40282346638528859811704183484516925440e+38}
constant attribute
Smallest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL_32.
Minimum_real: REAL_64
Smallest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: -1.79769313486231570....e+308
Minimum_real_64: REAL_64
Smallest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: -1.79769313486231570....e+308
Minimum_real_80: REAL_64
Smallest supported value of type REAL_80.
  • meaningful: Result <= 0.0
Boolean_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type BOOLEAN.
  • meaningful: Result >= 1
Character_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type CHARACTER.
Integer_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type INTEGER.
  • integer_definition: Result = 32
Real_bits: INTEGER_32
is 64
constant attribute
Number of bits in a value of type REAL.
Pointer_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type POINTER.