1. USAGE (a) Basic Usage Copy this directory into $SMARTEIFFEL/short/ You can get the short form in this format using short -html_css class_name.e The default behavior of short is to print a file to standard output, so you will probably want to redirect this to a file, e.g. short -html_css class_name.e > class_name.html You will then need to copy seshort.css from this directory to the same directory where you keep the output, e.g. cp $SMARTEIFFEL/short/html_css/seshort.css documentation/seshort.css (b) Customization You can modify the styles in pagestyle.css as desired. The classes I implemented in the hooks are: CLASSES USED FOR PARAGRAPHS (i.e.,

) section tab_comment tab_feature tab_feature_comment tab_contract tab_contract_comment tab_assertion CLASSES USED FOR SPANS (i.e., ) title keywords comment featurename classname argumentname constants simple_featurename assertiontag 2. CONTACT Originally created 2004, 2005, 2006 by John Perry, and released into the Public domain. If you modify this by adding classes or something to that effect, please send me a copy of the new version; I might like to see it. Email address as of 2006: jeperry@ncwc.edu